RRH Case Management Series
BundleThis course series is intended for RRH Case Managers new to their organization or program. The series is also a part of the required onboarding for new CoC-funded RRH programs.
Calculating Rent Reasonableness
CourseThis presentation by Heather Rhoda with Cloudburst Group teaches the basic concepts of rent reasonableness calculations for rapid rehousing.
Housing Quality Standards: Understanding the Basics
CourseThis training uses a module created by HUD to teach Visual Assessment for lead based paint. Housing Forward created this course to allow onboarding teams to easily enroll in and record completion of the HUD training.
Lead Based Paint Visual Assessment
CourseThis training uses a module created by HUD to teach Visual Assessment for lead based paint. Housing Forward created this course to allow onboarding teams to easily enroll in and record completion of the HUD training.
DHA Voucher Process Training
CourseThis training is being hosted Dallas Housing Authority (DHA) to review the voucher application, approval, and recertification process for system navigators and case managers serving neighbors receiving vouchers through DHA.
Conducting Home Visits
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